Results for 'Maria Geralda de Miranda'

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  1.  29
    O batismo de terra, ou Yaka, um romance polifônico.Maria Geralda de Miranda - 2013 - Bakhtiniana 8 (1):120-139.
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    Introduction: Medea(s): among philosophy, rhetoric and literature.Maria Cecília de Miranda Nogueira Coelho - 2017 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 21:157-166.
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    " Quem não é geômetra não entre!" Geometria, Filosofia e Platonismo.Gabriele Cornelli & Maria Cecília de Miranda N. Coelho - 2007 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 48 (116):417-435.
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    "Es necesario secar (δέον αὐχμεῖν) las emociones” (Rep. 606d). Desafíos de/a Platón.Maria C. De Miranda Nogueira Coelho - 2022 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 26 (2):75-91.
    Este artículo investiga algunos pasajes de la _República_ de Platón para comprender algunos presupuestos y consecuencias de la argumentación del filósofo sobre el estatus de las pasiones, que culmina con la incisiva y radical afirmación, en el libro X, de que “es necesario secar las emociones” (Rep. 606d). Ello se debe a que, según Platón, ellas conducen a los hombres a actuar de forma irracional y cobarde, especialmente a aquellos ciudadanos que se acostumbran a la poesía, especialmente la dramática, que (...)
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    Manfred Noa's Helen.Maria Cecília de Miranda Nogueira Coelho - 2011 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 7:115-121.
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    Filosofia, gênero e feminismo: hangout em ocasião do Dia Mundial da Filosofia da UNESCO 2017.Fabio Alves Gomes Oliveira, Gabriele Cornelli, Maria Cecília de Miranda Nogueira Coelho, Gisele Dalva Secco, Nastassja Pugliese & Renato Matoso Brandão - 2018 - Ethic@ - An International Journal for Moral Philosophy 17 (2):319-344.
    No mês de Novembro de 2017, em ocasião do Dia Mundial da Filosofia da UNESCO, a Cátedra UNESCO Archai, do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Metafísica da Universidade de Brasilia, organizou um hangout Unesco sobre o tema Filosofia, gênero e feminismo, do qual participaram diversxs colegas brasileirxs, especialistas do tema, acima assinadxs. A gravação integral do hangout está disponível aqui: Segue abaixo uma transcrição, revista e adaptada pelxs autorxs.
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  7. Une philosophie de la" dynamique créative".Maria do Carmo Tavares de Miranda - 1996 - Giornale di Metafisica 18 (3):443-446.
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    José Porfirio Miranda de la Parra: Una vida entre Marx y la Biblia.María Adela Oliveros de Miranda - 2002 - Signos Filosóficos 7:297-306.
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  9. O ser da matéria: estudo em Kant e Tomás de Aquino.Maria do Carmo Tavares de Miranda - 1976 - Recife: Universidade Federal de Pernambuco.
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    Caminhos do filosofar.Maria do Carmo Tavares de Miranda - 1991 - Recife: Prefeitura da Cidade do Recife, Secretaria de Educação e Cultura, Conselho Municipal de Cultura, Fundação de Cultura Cidade do Recife.
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  11. Diálogo e meditação do viandante.Maria do Carmo Tavares de Miranda - 1975 - Recife: Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Editora Universitária.
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  12.  26
    An Institutional Approach to Ethical Human Resource Management Practice: Comparing Brazil, Colombia and the UK.Beatriz Maria Braga, Eduardo de Camargo Oliva, Edson Keyso de Miranda Kubo, Steve McKenna, Julia Richardson & Terry Wales - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 169 (1):57-76.
    The impact of contextual influences on human resource management and management more generally has been the focus of much scholarly interest. However, we still know very little about how context impacts on the practice of ethical HRM specifically. Therefore, drawing on 59 in-depth interviews with HR practitioners in Brazil, Colombia and the UK, this paper theorizes how they perceive the ethical dimensions of their roles within their respective national contexts and how the way they act in relation to them is (...)
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    Heterosis in COMT Val158Met Polymorphism Contributes to Sex-Differences in Children’s Math Anxiety.Annelise Júlio-Costa, Aline Aparecida Silva Martins, Guilherme Wood, Máira Pedroso de Almeida, Marlene de Miranda, Vitor Geraldi Haase & Maria Raquel Santos Carvalho - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Heidegger e Foucault.Clara Maria Miranda de Sousa & Marcelo Silva de Souza Ribeiro - 2022 - Revista de Filosofia Moderna E Contemporânea 10 (2):119-142.
    Discute-se aqui as aproximações e distanciamentos sobre o cuidado via as contribuições do pensamento de Heidegger e de Foucault. Interessa-nos saber sobre as ideias de autocuidado articuladas por Martin Heidegger e de cuidado de sí, conforme Michel Foucault, analisando as convergências e as divergências. Lançou-se mão da sistematização contrastiva de modo a ressaltar os encontros e desencontros entre os pensadores. Há aproximações no que se refere a importância dada a questão do cuidar como algo constituidor do ser humano, mas os (...)
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    Testemunha Dos Primeiros Passos: identidade cristã latino-americana e o paradigma pluralista em José Maria Vigil.Arnon de Miranda Gomes - 2010 - Horizonte 8 (18):221-222.
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    O cuidado ao professor universitário e o ato de cuidar na prática educativa: revisão sistemática da literatura.Clara Maria Miranda de Sousa & Marilena Ristum - 2024 - Aprender-Caderno de Filosofia E Psicologia da Educação 31:216-232.
    O artigo trata de uma revisão sistemática de literatura, com o objetivo de analisar os estudos existentes sobre o cuidado institucional ao professor universitário e o cuidado praticado pelo professor nas suas ações educativas. Foi feito um levantamento de artigos e teses no portal de periódicos da CAPES, publicados no período de 2010 a 2023, com os seguintes termos de busca: cuidado, educação, ensino superior, professor universitário, qualidade de vida, trabalho, saúde mental, saúde docente, bem-estar docente, acolhimento e promoção de (...)
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    Management of Agile Methodologies for the Development of Competencies of University Students in the Peruvian Context.Aquila Priscila Montañez Huancaya de Salinas, María Salome Hilares Soria, Norma Nancy Montañez Huancaya, Pajares Briones Jorge Alberto, Eusebio, Arainga Blas & Rubén Darío Miranda Cabrera - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:599-616.
    The fundamental purpose of this research work was to explain how the management of agile methodologies for the development of competencies of university students in the Peruvian context. Based on this question, it has been hypothesized that agile methodologies significantly help the development of students' competencies. This is complemented by a quantitative approach study, with a quasi-experimental design of the "Design with pre-test - post-test with experimental groups and control groups" model. The students of the one Peruvian University were considered (...)
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    Cartas da pandemia: narrativas de estudantes de pedagogia sobre sua formação em território semiárido.Clara Maria Miranda de Sousa & Emanoela Souza Lima - forthcoming - Aprender-Caderno de Filosofia E Psicologia da Educação.
    Este artigo visa analisar a narrativa (auto)biográfica de estudantes de Pedagogia em uma universidade pública da região do Vale do São Francisco, localizada no território de Petrolina-PE em contexto de pandemia da COVID-19. Para refletir sobre a formação a partir da escrita de si, pautamo-nos, teórica e metodologicamente, em Heidegger, Josso, Freire, Ribeiro, Passeggi, Sousa e Lima. Neste artigo, comtempla-se respostas referentes à como os estudantes se sentiram no processo de formação docente em meio a pandemia e o que esperavam (...)
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    Animal Welfare, National Identity and Social Change: Attitudes and Opinions of Spanish Citizens Towards Bullfighting.Genaro C. Miranda de la Lama, Francisco J. Zarza, Beatriz Mazas & Gustavo A. María - 2017 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 30 (6):809-826.
    Traditionally, in Spain bullfighting represents an ancient and well-respected tradition and a combined brand of sport, art and national identity. However, bullfighting has received considerable criticism from various segments of society, with the concomitant rise of the animal rights movement. The paper reports a survey of the Spanish citizens using a face-to-face survey during January 2016 with a total sample of 2522 citizens. The survey asked about degree of liking and approving; culture, art and national identity; socio-economic aspects; emotional perception (...)
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  20.  20
    Idea de Convergencia Tecnocientífica.María José Miranda Suárez - 2023 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 1.
    La idea de convergencia es una de las nociones más difundidas en el lenguaje tecnocientífico actual. Sin olvidar el éxito que está teniendo en el diseño de la política europea, no cabe duda de que es un concepto clave en la financiación de las investigaciones integradas en el marco de lo que se ha denominado las NBCI (nano-bio-cogno-info-tecnologías). Con ello, pretendemos analizar hasta qué punto se está difundiendo algún sesgo axiológico a través de esta noción. Algo que cobra especial interés (...)
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    Propuesta tríadica para el estudio de la violencia escolar.María Isabel Toledo, Gabriel Guajardo, Christian Miranda & Isabela Pardo - 2018 - Cinta de Moebio 61:72-79.
    Resumen: La dimensión teórica del estudio de la violencia escolar ha quedado rezagada en el campo de la investigación en educación. Se constata un déficit explicativo y en consecuencia de orden teórico, con ciertos reduccionismos y una proliferación de mediciones de conductas. En este artículo se plantea la necesidad de pasar de un objeto binario que separa, a veces en términos de oposición, la escuela de la sociedad a un objeto de estudio de tres dimensiones: las violencias que produce la (...)
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    Más allá de la tablet, ¿una zona intermedia de aprendizaje?María Isabel Miranda Orrego & Isaac David Grijalva Alvear - 2020 - Sophia. Colección de Filosofía de la Educación 28:185-206.
    El presente trabajo profundiza el estudio de los procesos de aprendizaje del niño asociados a la utilizaciónde nuevas tecnologías (tablet) en el aula. Estudios experimentales y cuasiexperimentales a nivel internacional de la última década analizan el aprendizaje como el aumento y repetición del contenido ofrecido en el dispositivo móvil, omitiendo la experiencia del aprehender o procesos de aprendizaje que permiten la apropiación de dicho conocimiento. Por esta razón se plantean las preguntas: ¿La tablet colabora o irrumpe el acto de aprehender? (...)
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    Editorials.Isabelle Choinière, Cristina Miranda de Almeida, Carlos Augusto Moreira da Nóbrega & Maria Luiza P. Guimarães Fragoso - 2015 - Technoetic Arts 13 (1-2):3-13.
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  24. Terapia existencial pra cuerpos fructurados: entrevista a Eduardo Fernández García.María José Miranda Suárez - 2010 - In María G. Navarro, Betty Estévez & Antolín Sánchez Cuervo (eds.), Claves actuales de pensamiento. Madrid: CSIC/Plaza y Valdés.
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    Cognitive Bias Sunk Cost in Marketing.Vallejo Chávez Luz Maribel, Miranda Salazar María Fernanda, de León Nicaretta Fabiana María & Ureña Torres Vicente Ramón - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:407-426.
    The sunk cost cognitive bias, or sunk cost fallacy, is a human tendency to continue with: an investment, make a decision, business, couple or project based on the resources that have been invested, instead of making a current evaluation of the results. future benefits and costs. The objective of the research was to analyze the impact of sunk cost cognitive bias on customer decisions and its application in neuromarketing strategies. The specific objectives were: (i) Evaluate how sunk cost influences the (...)
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    Tecnologías de representación de las ruralidades queer en el cine: Un conflicto hermenéutico.Abel P. Pazos & María J. Miranda Suárez - 2022 - Azafea: Revista de Filosofia 24:139-162.
    Este artículo considera el tema de las tecnologías de representación de las ruralidades queer en el cine. Las autoras llevan a cabo un análisis pormenorizado de la representación de las disidencias sexuales y de género sostenidas en y a través de espacialidades rurales tomando como objeto de estudio tres piezas fílmicas producidas en el estado español durante las últimas dos décadas, a saber, Ander (2009), 80 Egunean (2010) y Elisa y Marcela (2018). A manera de conclusión, el artículo muestra las (...)
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  27.  15
    Estudios de sonido: otredades perceptivas para explorar nuevos mundos.Pablo Revuelta Sanz & María J. Miranda Suárez - 2023 - Arbor 199 (810):a721.
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    Der neuhumanismus und Das studium der klassischen sprachen und literaturen in kuba in der zweiten hälfte Des 19. jahrhunderts.María Elina Miranda - 1989 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 133 (1-2):147-150.
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    Historias, vidas e identidades en la Facultad de Filosofía de la Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro (1980-2019).Quintanar Miranda & Maria Cristina (eds.) - 2022 - Querétaro, México: Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro.
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    Ana de Miguel, Neoliberalismo sexual. El mito de la libre elección, 3a. ed., Cátedra, Madrid, 2015, 355 pp. [REVIEW]Ana María Miranda Mora - 2017 - Dianoia 62 (78):211-218.
    Resumen: En este artículo reviso la interpretación de Eduardo Nicol de la teoría de la propiedad de Francisco Suárez. Para ello, presento la posición de Suárez acerca de la propiedad y la propiedad privada atendiendo dos cuestiones fundamentales. La primera es si la propiedad y la propiedad privada son derechos; la segunda es si ambos pertenecen a la naturaleza humana o no. Al final, argumento que la lectura de Nicol es insostenible, pues difícilmente puede admitirse que Suárez defendió algún tipo (...)
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    Construcción de una sujeto femenina en la narrativa afrobrasileña y mapuche a través del “Espacio sagrado” en las novelas Um defeito De Cor de Ana María Gonçalves y Cherrufe. La bola de fuego de Ruth Fuentealba Millaguir.Paola Lizana-Miranda - 2022 - Alpha: Revista de Artes, Letras y Filosofia 1 (54):109-126.
    Esta lectura propone abordar lo que hemos denominado espacio sagrado, entendiéndolo como la representación literaria de las creencias religiosas y sus manifestaciones rituales presentes en las obras Cherrufe de Ruth Fuentealba Millaguir y Um defeito de cor [2006] de Ana Maria Gonçalves. Planteamos que este espacio hace emerger dentro de la narrativa afrobrasileña y mapuche una sujeto femenina que en su relación con el sistema simbólico de su comunidad entreteje las marcas de género, raza y sexualidad en la constitución (...)
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    Creation of a female individual from the afro-Brazilian and Mapuche through the “holy space” in the novels at Ana María Gonçalves’ Um defeito de Cor and Ruth Fuentealba Millaguir’s Cherrufe. La Bola de Fuego.Paola Lizana-Miranda - 2022 - Alpha (Osorno) 54:123-144.
    Resumen: Esta lectura propone abordar lo que hemos denominado espacio sagrado, entendiéndolo como la representación literaria de las creencias religiosas y sus manifestaciones rituales presentes en las obras Cherrufe (2008) de Ruth Fuentealba Millaguir y Um defeito de cor [2006] (2009) de Ana María Gonçalves. Planteamos que este espacio hace emerger dentro de la narrativa afrobrasileña y mapuche una sujeto femenina que en su relación con el sistema simbólico de su comunidad entreteje las marcas de género, raza y sexualidad en (...)
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  33. Women’s Labour in Movement. From Servants and Housewives to Racialised Domestic and Care Workers.Ana Maria Miranda Mora - 2025 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 14 (1):111-121.
    This paper examines migrant women’s labour and the location of poor and racialised working women in the context of the contemporary care crisis. In the first part, I briefly reconstruct, the feminist critiques of the Marxist capitalist social (re)production theory and, the Decolonial and Postcolonial feminist criticisms of the Marxist universal model of the capitalist mode of (re)production and its conceptualisation of marginalised and excluded subjects. This analysis sets the ground for understanding the debts and innovations of Marx’s political economy (...)
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    The use of definitions of school violence as a theoretical problem.Gabriel Guajardo-Soto, María Isabel Toledo-Jofré, Christian Miranda-Jaña & Carolina Andrea Sáez - 2019 - Cinta de Moebio 65:145-158.
    Resumen: El estatuto teórico del concepto de la violencia escolar se ha resuelto parcialmente mediante el uso de definiciones. En el caso del campo científico chileno las definiciones de violencia escolar se formulan desde una episteme dualista, que establece la distinción entre lo escolar y lo no escolar, priorizan a un individuo abstracto, donde el espacio prima sobre el tiempo, las relaciones son causales y, en menor medida, de tipo covariación, constructiva de realidades y especular. El componente performativo es doble: (...)
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  35. Fricker, Miranda . Injusticia epistémica . Barcelona, CT: Herder. 300 p.María Victoria Pérez Monterroso - 2019 - Las Torres de Lucca. International Journal of Political Philosophy 8 (15):247-250.
    Tras su consagración como filósofa de referencia en cuestiones de ética, epistemología social, filosofía feminista y filosofía política, la obra cumbre de Miranda Fricker, _Injusticia epistémica, _ha sido traducida al castellano y publicada por Herder. Doctora en Filosofía por la Universidad de Oxford, Fricker ya había publicado anteriormente, junto con Jennifer Hornsby, _The Cambridge Companion to Feminism in Philosophy _, así como recientemente _The Epistemic Life of Groups: Essays in the Epistemology of Collectives _junto con Michael S. Brady. En (...)
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    Luciana Martínez y Esteban Ponce. El genio en el siglo XVIII || Viviana Suñol y Lidia Raquel Miranda. La educación en la filosofía antigua.María Nidia Casís & Ariel Vecchio - 2023 - Boletín de Estética 62:111-123.
    Luciana Martínez y Esteban Ponce (eds.). El genio en el siglo xviii. Barcelona: Herder Editorial, 2022, 334 páginas. Viviana Suñol y Lidia Raquel Miranda (eds.). La educación en la filosofía antigua. Ética, retórica y arte en la formación del ciudadano. Buenos Aires: Miño y Dávila, 2020, 256 páginas.
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    Bananas y otros frutos del deseo: divas y subversiones en la performance de Ney Matogrosso.María del Pilar del Pilar Jarpa Manzur - 2019 - Aisthesis 66 (66):211-233.
    Taking into account the symbolic universe of the civic-military dictatorships of the Southern Cone as a context, this article seeks to reflect on the aesthetic and political implications of the figuration of the diva in the performance of local artists, through the case of Ney Matogrosso and his reappropriations of Carmen Miranda. From a feminist theoretical orientation in a postcolonial key, it is possible to suspect that the figuration of the diva is strategically infiltrated in its performance, from a (...)
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    Eduardo SoveralEduardo Soveral: Some Ideas on the “Gnosiology Analysis”.Maria Manuela Brito Martins - 2012 - Cultura:135-142.
    O objectivo deste nosso breve estudo sobre o texto de Eduardo Soveral “Análises gnosiológicas” é o de avaliar a originalidade e o valor da reflexão do professor portuense, no âmbito do pensamento português contemporâneo. Notamos, por um lado, que a sua abordagem gnosiológica é o ponto de partida para uma fundamentação do saber, relativamente às várias áreas disciplinares da filosofia. Por outro, constatamos também que a sua reflexão toma como modelo de especulação filosófica e gnosiológica o seu mestre e professor (...)
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  39. ‘Esprit de Corps’ and the French Revolutionary Crisis: a Prehistory of the Concept of Solidarity.Luis de Miranda - 2015 - Historisch-Kulturwissenschaftliche Fakultät Portal.
    The word solidarity is a borrowing from the French solidarité, which until the nineteenth century had the restricted legal meaning of a contractual obligation. I argue that in the pre-revolutionary decades, a newly born French lexeme was much closer to what solidarity would mean for modern societies, at least if we accept the agonistic context of most phenomena of solidarity: ‘esprit de corps’, taken from the military language and changed into a combat concept by the Philosophes. A ‘corps’ in French, (...)
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    Philosophical Health.Luis de Miranda (ed.) - 2023 - Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för idé- och lärdomshistoria.
    Grounded in ideas about sense-making and whole-person care with a long intellectual heritage, the movement for Philosophical Health—with its specific conceptions of philosophical care and counselling—is a relatively recent addition to the ongoing debate about understanding better the perspectives of patients to improve health practice. This article locates the development of this movement within the context of broader discussions of person-centred care (PCC), arguing that the approach advocated by defenders of philosophical health can provide a straightforward method for implementing PCC (...)
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    Ensemblance: The Transnational Genealogy of Esprit de Corps.Luis de Miranda - 2020 - Edinburgh University Press.
    Through several historical case studies from the last 300 years, Luis de Miranda shows how the phrase 'esprit de corps' acts as a combat concept with a clear societal impact. He also reveals how interconnected, yet distinct, French, English and American modern intellectual and political thought is.
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  42. Tapping into the unimpossible: Philosophical health in lives with spinal cord injury.Luis de Miranda, Richard Levi & Anestis Divanoglou - forthcoming - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 29 (7):1203-1210.
    Background We investigated the personal philosophies of eight persons with a tetraplegic condition (four male, four female), all living in Sweden with a chronic spinal cord injury (SCI) and all reporting a good life. Our purpose was to discover if there is a philosophical mindset that may play a role in living a good life with a traumatic SCI. Methods Two rounds of in-depth qualitative interviews were performed by the same interviewer, a philosophical practitioner by training (de Miranda). The (...)
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  43. Philosophical health for all: a practical introduction.Luis de Miranda - 2024 - London: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Are you philosophically healthy? Do your actions reflect your thoughts, do your words mirror your values, or do you live in contradiction? This first introduction to the new field of philosophical health, written by its forerunner, Luis de Miranda, explores the 6 elements of the discipline, including the senses of body, self, belonging, possibility, purpose, and the philosophical sense. Each chapter will be placed in conversation with a modern philosopher: Bergson for embodied intuition, Descartes for self-honesty, Spinoza for well-belonging, (...)
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  44. Introducing the SMILE_PH method : Sense-making interviews looking at elements of philosophical health.Luis de Miranda - forthcoming - Methodological Innovations.
    The present article is a primary introduction to the semi-structured interviewing method SMILE_PH, an acronym for Sense-Making Interviews Looking at Elements of Philosophical Health. Beyond grounding this new methodology theoretically (a work that is started here but will in the future necessitate several developments), the main motivation here is pragmatic: to provide the recent philosophical health movement with a testable method and show that philosophically-oriented interviews are possible in a manner that can be reproduced, compared, tested and used systematically with (...)
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  45. Crealectic Intelligence.Luis de Miranda - 2021 - In Vlad Petre Glăveanu (ed.), The Palgrave Encyclopedia of the Possible. Palgrave Macmillan.
    The emerging crealectic frame posits that there are three complementary and effectual domains of intelligence, namely analytic, dialectic, and crealectic, being alternatively or complementarily used in human interactions with the world. The focus of crealectic intelligence is the relative possibilization and local realization of absolute possibility, the becoming real, biological, and social of creation. This multimodal externalization and asymptotic unification of a cosmological flux expresses itself via three realms of possibilization: physical, psychological, and philosophical. But the philosophical possible is not (...)
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    Philosophy, literature and education: a study of the work The ocean at the end of the way by Neil Gaiman from Richard Rorty’s notion of narrative.Palloma Valéria Macedo de Miranda & Heraldo Aparecido Silva - 2023 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 13 (25):3-27.
    This work is bibliographic research and has as general objective to identify in the works of Richard Rorty theoretical elements that can guide investigations about the relationship between philosophy, literature and education. And as specific objectives of the way, explicit of Narrative in the definition of Rorty's creation and investigator of the main narrative and thematic characters concerning the main characters of the work. The ocean at the end of Neil Gaiman. However, from Rorty's perspective, it is possible to consider (...)
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  47. Is A New Life Possible? Deleuze and the Lines.Miranda Luis de - 2013 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 7 (1):106-152.
    In his dialogues with Claire Parnet, Deleuze asserts that: ‘Whether we are individuals or groups, we are made of lines’ (Deleuze and Parnet 2007: 124). In A Thousand Plateaus (with Guattari), Deleuze calls these kinds of ‘lifelines’ or ‘lines of flesh’: break line (or segmental line, or molar line), crack line (or molecular line) and rupture line (also called line of flight) (Deleuze and Guattari 2004a: 22). We will explain the difference between these three lines and how they are related (...)
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  48. On the Concept of Creal: The Politico-Ethical Horizon of a Creative Absolute.Luis De Miranda - 2017 - In De Miranda Luis (ed.), The Dark Precursor: Deleuze and Artistic Research. Leuven University Press. pp. 510-516.
    Process philosophies tend to emphasise the value of continuous creation as the core of their discourse. For Bergson, Whitehead, Deleuze, and others the real is ultimately a creative becoming. Critics have argued that there is an irreducible element of (almost religious) belief in this re-evaluation of immanent creation. While I don’t think belief is necessarily a sign of philosophical and existential weakness, in this paper I will examine the possibility for the concept of universal creation to be a political and (...)
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  49. A previously unpublished letter written by telesio, Bernardino to the cardinal Orsini, Flavio.Girolamo De Miranda - 1993 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 13 (3):361-375.
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    Life Is Strange and “Games Are Made” : A Philosophical Interpretation of a Multiple-Choice Existential Simulator With Copilot Sartre.Luis de Miranda - 2018 - Games and Culture 8 (1):825-842.
    The multiple-choice video game Life is Strange was described by its French developers as a metaphor for the inner conflicts experienced by a teenager in trying to become an adult. In psychological work with adolescents, there is a stark similarity between what they experience and some concepts of existentialist philosophy. Sartre’s script for the movie Les Jeux Sont Faits (literally “games are made”) uses the same narrative strategy as Life is Strange—the capacity for the main characters to travel back in (...)
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